Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rae’s Cornbread Dressing

This is my sister Rae’s recipe. She fixes it to go with turkey, chicken, pork loin, etc. You name it. It is by far the best dressing I have ever eaten. Rae says that she has to give credit to her friend Faye for the original recipe.
•8 cups of bread crumbs
•4 cups of cornbread crumbs
•1 small or 1/2 large onion minced
•1 cup finely chopped celery
•1 & 1/4 tablespoons salt
•1 & 1/2 tablespoons sugar
•1 teaspoon pepper
•2 teaspoons poultry seasoning
•1 cup of butter melted
•chicken broth (as much as you need) canned or homemade
Cook onion and celery in water or chicken broth until tender. Remove from heat and stir in the seasonings. Add to the bread and cornbread crumbs which you have placed in a very large bowl. Add melted butter. Add chicken broth to the mixture. Use as much as you need for the right consistency. Mix all ingredients together well. Place in large baking dish and bake in preheated 350 degree oven until browned.

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